Concerning modifications to the protections for public workers, and, in connection therewith, clarifying certain definitions and standards related to public employee rights and the authority of a public employer to limit such rights consistent with the "Protections for Public Workers Act".
Concerning implementing consensus recommendations of the liquor advisory group convened by the department of revenue to conduct a comprehensive review of Colorado's liquor laws, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
Concerning prohibiting prior authorization for antipsychotic prescription drugs used to treat a mental health condition, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
Concerning measures to address ozone levels in areas that do not meet federal ozone national ambient air quality standards, and, in connection therewith, enacting incentive-based ozone precursor emissions reduction measures for on-road mobile sources and for lawn equipment, conducting annual photochemical modeling studies and data analysis, and making an appropriation.
05/7/2024 | House Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely
Concerning requirements for transportation network companies, and, in connection therewith, requiring transportation network companies to comply with transparency requirements and deactivation and suspension procedures and making an appropriation.